The Value Of Crypto Currency Is Growing Every Day And Breaking Its Previous Record

Bitcoin Is Over $9,000 and growing fast

The value of cryptocurrency is growing every day and breaking its previous record. As of the time of writing currently Bitcoin is priced at $9,475. climbing nearly 6 points in 24 hours.

At a certain point, news of clearing these incremental price hurdles are going to get old, but given the increasing speed in which Bitcoin prices are knocking through these barriers and hitting all-time-highs, it seems relevant to chronicle the march towards $10,000 at least.

The cryptocurrency currently has a market cap north of $152 billion.

The price of bitcoin has increased 600% since the beginning of the year. These were the levels, as TechCrunch recalls :

  • May 20: US $ 2 thousand
  • August 4: US $ 3 thousand
  • August 12: US $ 4 thousand
  • October 12: US $ 5 thousand
  • October 20: US $ 6 thousand
  • November 2: US $ 7 thousand
  • Novermber 26: US $ 9 thousand
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