After Galaxy S9, Samsung Will Replace The Name “S” To “X”?

 So far, Samsung has used the Galaxy S brand for its flagship line of the year. However, according to a source from South Korea, may after the Galaxy S9 and S9 +, Samsung will not use this brand anymore.

This source said that the 10th version of the Galaxy S series instead of the “Galaxy S10” as usual will change to “Galaxy X”. Samsung is changing its name to S11, S12, S13, etc. After the Galaxy X and X + in 2019, the company will continue with the names X2, X2 +,…

Galaxy X is also the name that many people think that Samsung will put the smartphone screen folding in the future of the company. We still can not be sure if 2019 will have Galaxy X or Galaxy S10, but on 25/2, Samsung will launch the Galaxy S9 / S9 +, just focus on the present before. Maybe in the launch event, Samsung will briefly introduce the Galaxy 2019?

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