Now iOS 13.1 Will Tell You That Your Replaced Screen is Genuine or Not

Along with the many new iOS 13 features, there are some changes that not everyone would like. Just like in case of the CPU throttling “feature” that Apple introduced with the rollout of iOS 13.1. Another thing that someone might not like is the notification that would appear in case you have replaced the screen with a non-genuine one.

In an official statement released by Apple state that “all handsets from the iPhone 11 family will prompt you with a message on the lock screen that your panel is not genuine, or the repair was not performed by a certified Apple technician”.

This message will pop up for four days and then it will move to the main settings menu for another 15 days. After 15 days, it will remain for good in Settings > General > About.

It is still not clear if the this would become a thing for older iPhones as Apple has included only the iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max in the announcement. The company also took time to warn users what will occur if they change their screen in a non-certified repair shop.

Here are some things that will happen if your replaced screen is not genuine –

1. Multi-Touch might not respond in some parts of the screen.
2. There will be inferior Multi-Touch performance will be there such as missed screen touches or touches not registering in the right location.
3. Touches might unexpectedly register on a process of the phone call.
4. The display might not turn off during phone calls.
5. Accidental edge or palm touches might register.
6. True Tone display will not function correctly.
7. The lost or degraded function of the ambient light sensor will cause the screen to dim or brighten incorrectly.
8. Incorrect display colour calibration will be there such as the display to appearing too yellow or blue.
9. Display will be not uniformly bright.
10. There will be lower maximum brightness.
11. Unintentional battery drain will happen.

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These feature of iOS 13 will surely not be liked by all iOS users. But to be fair, Apple did update its repair policy. This is now a lot more liberal when it comes to out-of-warranty repairs.

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