iPhone Sales In 2018 Will Fall By 16 Million Units Due To Apple’s $29 Battery Replacement Policy

After admitting to slowing down the iPhone with a battery to avoid a sudden collapse, Apple has reduced the price of the iPhone battery to $29 instead of $79 as before. According to analyst Mark Moskowitz of Barclay’s market research firm, iPhone sales this year will be greatly reduced by this.

“According to our calculations, 10% of the 519 million iPhone users will join the replacement program for $ 29, and about 30% of them will not buy the new iPhone next year. That means iPhone sales may fall 16 million units. ” According to BusinessInsider, 16 million iPhones may be equivalent to Apple losing more than $ 10 billion in revenue.

Apple will maintain its $ 29 per-unit discount on batteries throughout the year, with all-in-one battery life, whether or not the bottle is replaced.

Related:  4 Ways You Can Check The Battery Status Of The iPhone And Know If Its The Right Time To Replace It Or Not

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