There Are Two Vulnerabilities That Can Help Develop Jailbreak iOS 11.2 – 11.2.2

 Recently, a hacker group of Israeli-owned company Zimperium zLabs has discovered two new vulnerabilities, which can be used to develop jailbreak tools on iOS 11.2 – iOS 11.2.2.

The two vulnerabilities were announced by the hacker group CVE-2018-4095 (related to Bluetooth background application, which interferes deeply with the iOS system) and CVE-2018-4087 (allowing arbitrary code execution). Especially they affect the SpringBoard, mDNSResponder, wif id, Preferences, CommCenter, Bluetooth and other background programs.

However, Zimperium zLabs will not release a jailbreak tool that will only exploit the process and provide it to the community, helping developers like Coolstar or Sticktron develop a new jailbreak version. As expected, these two vulnerabilities will be announced at security conferences in the near future.

Note that CVE-2018-4095 and CVE-2018-4087 only exist from iOS 11.2 to 11.2.2. If you are looking forward to the jailbreak tool, SHSH SHSH file quickly restore or restore these versions of iOS before being locked by Apple.

For more details you can see more at the following link: Zimperium zLabs is close to an iOS 11.2 jailbreak

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