Samsung Beats Intel Into The World’s Most Expensive Chip Maker

 Samsung has posted a record $50 billion profit last year for 2017, with $14.1 billion in sales in Q4 alone. If you dig into Samsung’s annual reports, component sales alone have helped the company earn over $69 billion last year, while Intel’s $63 billion net profit.

 This is really a big change in the business field for the “silicon valley” Korea. Although all of Intel’s efforts in the x86 processor family business have brought them far higher profits, Samsung has demonstrated its technological prowess and productivity by Produces all components from computer memory to Exynos processors on mobile devices.

Basically, Intel is ahead of the computer memory business, but they failed when Japanese electronics companies began to grow. At that time, Samsung was able to catch up on the opportunity, which had licensed its manufacturing technology in Japan and had since become the world’s largest processor by revenue. It is true that the cycle of technology is harsh.

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