3 Best Whatsapp Mods That You Should Use In 2019

So readers. Let me be frank. Don’t you feel very irritating when not using any social media apps which rule your day and mind? I guess yes. Because applications like Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter are taking over our minds and sleeping too.

Well, that’s not the concern. It depends on the user how he/she uses the social media applications and utilize them to the fullest. Don’t know how to utilize your whatsapp to the fullest? You can easily do it by acquiring any whatsapp mod like GbWhatsapp. Let’s know in detail then.

What is a Whatsapp MOD?


First of all, Whatsapp MOD is not like other MODs which can harm your mobile or privacy intact. Whatsapp MODs were built only to provide Whatsapp users the features they want inbuilt with Whatsapp. Like applying multiple themes, user control, no limit whatsoever. So, by any whatsapp mod given below, you can unlock those features like hiding chats, apply thems and many more.

Top 3 WhatsApp MODs To Use In 2018

Below are the top listed Whatsapp mods which are trending among all whatsapp users. And just a thing for your concern here. Whatsapp MODs are not approved by the original whatsapp authorities.

Let’s Know About Whatsapp MODs.



GbWhatsapp is a MOD created by the GB team which is trending in the top whatsapp mod lists. This Apk is almost compatible with any android device. But the sad part is that, you can’t use GbWhatsapp on any ios devices like iPad, iPhone or so. By GbWhatsapp APK, you will be able do the following things listed.

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Features of GbWhatsapp

  • Apply Multiple themes to Your Whatsapp By Gbwhatsapp.
  • No limits while creating a story.
  • Send up to 90 images at a time to different persons.
  • Customize widgets including chats, contacts and many more.
  • Change application icon, apply colors.
  • Most of all, hide your online status, double tick and blue ticks too.

Once you download GBwhatsapp apk you can enjoy its cool features.

Checkout a healthy discussion about what is GbWhatsapp and how to use, on Quora .


image result for FMWhatsapp

FMwhatsapp lets us keep our privacy very safe and applies for any of the features of GbWhatsapp. You can download many themes as you want to apply on FMwhatsapp.

Features of FmWhatsapp

  • Multiple themes allowed.
  • No limits.
  • 90 images to different peoples.
  • Hide online status, privacy matters.
  • Ban-proof.
  • Send up to videos sized 1 Gb at a moment to anyone.

Whatsapp Plus Reborn

Whatsapp Plus Reborn Image

You might have used Whatsapp plus in past if you are a fan of whatsapp mods. Yes, Whatsapp Plus reborn is the modified version of Whatsapp+ which was previously banned for each and every user. That happened because of poor security issues and privacy matters, and Whatsapp banned each user who used Whatsapp+. But, then whatsapp plus reborn made another MOD of Whatsapp+ and yet running without any issues.

Features of Whatsapp Plus Reborn

  • Whatsapp Plus Reborn is the modified version of Whatsapp Plus, Which was previously banned for Whatsapp users.
  • Whatsapp Plus Reborn is ban-proof.
  • Anyone around the globe can use Whatsapp Plus reborn instead original Whatsapp.
  • Enhanced security and privacy hiding than Whatsapp plus.
  • Multiple themes allowed.
  • Send upto unlimited images at a time.
  • Better image quality compared to any other whatsapp Mod.
  • Customization allowed for only, chat color, themes, and widgets.
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To use these Whatsapp MODs, you need to download respective apk files like GbWhatsapp and etc. You can also download them from Getapk market. After then you can install them on your android device. The MOD files are no less than the original whatsapp with same features.

So, here were the top listed whatsapp mods which you can use instead of the original whatsapp. The features are amazing, also the performances too. So, make use of them properly and let us know your experiences by the comments below.

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