5 Websites Which Can Help You To Edit Photos Like A Pro

Editing is a very important step in creating a great photo, but not everyone can use professional photo editing tools. Therefore, the following online photo-editing websites will be powerful “live virtual instruments” to help you create better photos before posting to Facebook or Instagram without having to be high-level. nothing.

1. Let’s Enhance

If you have a low-quality photo, Let’s Enhance is probably the online tool you need. Just drop the image here, the tool will identify itself with its algorithms available, then increase the resolution of the image without distorting the details of the original image (angles, edges, small details, etc.) and will return you a higher resolution image.

However, the number of images processed on the server is limited so it may take several hours to get results. This is a great note and please be patient if this tool responds slowly.

If you do not have Let’s Enhance, you’ll need to have special tools and expertise to do just that.

Address of online tool Let’s Enhance:

2. Fotor

In addition to the application of computer beauty photos with the effect “virtual” as on Instagram, Fotor is also a great online photo editing tool. With the web version, you can upload to edit a photo from your computer’s memory, Dropbox, Facebook or even copy the link from any web page.

Not only does it support many of the features of a common image editor, Fotor web versions also have One-Tap Enhance. With this “godlike” feature, you do not have to think about how to adjust the image, just one touch, the images will be automatically adjusted miraculously.

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However, if this divine feature is used too much for the purpose of virtual life, then perhaps everyone must be more cautious with the object “fiends” to take a picture with the audience …

For a live experience. Go to Fotor – Online editor here:

3. Improve Photo: Enhance multiple levels

If you just want to auto-enhance at a moderate level (but virtual too date on the first object to see the strange face and then challenge each other to race home as sad), this would be is a more reasonable tool than Fotor’s “godlike” One-Tap Enhance.

Improve Photo is an online editing tool that allows you to select the level of auto to enhance. Improve Photo will be very useful for many virtual objects at different levels (the scale of the virtual life here). For the sake of clarity, let’s imagine that at a low level there will be very few virtual ones, especially those who want to leave some identifying features (eg, mole, goat, or “mother” level). of godlike “, then bleach all the acne, scars on his selfie photos.

And here is the address of this tool:


4. Enhance Pho.to

Difference between the Enhance Pho.to other tools is custom, in other words this is a semi-automatic image editor. Here’s what Enhance Pho.to can do:

  • Light
  • De-blur
  • De-noise
  • Color temperature
  • Saturation
  • Red eye

By default, the tool will automatically identify the image and suggest the best filters, but the choice is yours (semiautomatic is that).

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Link: Online photo editor | Cool photo effects & frames | Pho.to 


5. PinkMirror

Unlike the above tools, PinkMirror focuses primarily on facial modifications. With this tool, a selfie can be edited magically no less than shots from Oppo.

Similar to Camera360 for mobile, when uploading photos you need to locate the face by moving and placing the dots corresponding to the eyes, mouth first. Then PinkMirror will automatically edit and comes with a variety of options to adjust the “virtual” level of each part (as well as auto fix in Camera360).

Once finished, you can download the image but it will be affected by a small watermark of PinkMirror in the bottom left corner. Beside paying for watermark removal, you can also use a little gray matter to use the other crop (crop) and “drop ba” to Facebook / Instagram.

Link: Portrait Photo Retouching and Makeup. Online, Automatic, DIY

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