Facebook Will End Up With Games Invitations

Before joining Facebook was asking to Flood notifications of games like Candy Crush, Farmville, Bejeweled. Peace came only when the Facebook provided a easy way to block these notifications.

But sooner this will not be necessary as Facebook has decided to end all in once with the application invitations.

The annoying and frustrating notifications are made possible by the tool App invites. With this tools, the developers can easily engage the users to have a interaction in a way to increase their engagement.

Overall the idea was not bad. The problem is over-reporting: many users did not even know that the game is sending notifications to all the contacts. Other beside knowing, but they could not resist the idea of earning reward in the game by making invitations.

Fortunately, the blocking functions and also a bit of common sense have made the invitation notifications drop considerably. The diminishing use of the feature and Facebook’s intention to prioritize other features within the social network led to the decision to discontinue App Invites : the tool will no longer be supported as of February 6, 2018.

In what appears to be a plan to re-integrate Facebook’s integration with third-party sites and applications, other tools will also be discontinued, including Native Like Button (lets you enjoy pages or share content without leaving the application in use) Comment Mirroring (displays comments made via Facebook on external pages).


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