PDF is a widely popular document format all across the world. However, sometimes it can be different to work with PDF. Thanks to Adobe, now it is partnering with Google to make it easier to view and modify PDFs through Drive. Here’s how to Markup and Modify PDFs in Google Drive Using Adobe Acrobat.
Markup and Modify PDFs in Google Drive Using Adobe Acrobat
By adding the new Adobe app to a web browser, users can right-click on documents, open the file with Acrobat, and view, search, and markup PDFs for free.
Customers with a paid Adobe Acrobat account have access to the following premium features:
1. Create high-quality PDFs that preserve fonts, formatting, and layouts.
2. Modify and organize existing PDFs by deleting, reordering and rotating.
3. Combine multiple file types including PDF, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Microsoft Office, image, text, and Adobe design files into a single PDF to save or share.
4. Export PDFs into editable Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or RTF files while preserving fonts, formatting, and layouts.
6. Send a document for e-signature and track its progress.
7. Automatically save all changes back to Drive.
You might have noticed something is missing – PDF editing. Whether you are using the free integration or are signed into a paid Adobe account, you won’t be able to add or remove the text or change the document’s layout.
Do check out the Adobe Acrobat integration in action below:
You can also add the Adobe integration to your free Google account right now directly from the G Suite Marketplace. In case your organization utilizes paid G Suite accounts then, your IT department might need to enable the app.