Someone Forgot To Put Android In Some Units Of The Pixel 2 XL

Android Not To Be Found In Some Of The Units Of Pixel 2 XL

The Pixel 2 XL turned out to be a headache for Google: several small issues have been building up since its release. This time, some customers received the device without a valid operating system. Oops!

Users on Reddit and the Ars Technica forum say that their Pixel 2 XL devices do not have a proper installation of Android, preventing boot.

Only the message “Could not find a valid operating system. The device will not start, “and a link to a support page – but it does not list this error.

Google tells Android Police that this problem has already been resolved without going into more detail. Anyone who comes across this error message needs to return the device to the store and get a new one.

Some units of the Pixel 2 XL are suffering from image retention on the OLED screen . Google will release an update that will hide the virtual buttons on the bottom bar; and will reduce the maximum screen brightness by 50 cd / m2 (nits).

In addition, Pixel 2 and 2 XL can emit strange clicking sounds. Google says this “does not affect the performance of your device, but if you find it bothersome, you can temporarily disable NFC in Configure> Connected Devices> NFC.”

With information: Android Police , The Verge .

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