How To Take Photo And Selfie On Your Mobile With Voice Control

Taking photos over the phone can be made even easier with the Android and iPhone ( iOS ) Virtual Assistants . The software understands voice commands to take selfies, record videos and even take panoramic photos, in the case of the Apple platform . The feature is useful for shortening the path and capturing photos quickly, even from a distance.

In the following tutorial, see the step by step how to use the voice to activate the camera by Siri and Google Assistant . It is worth remembering that the images were made on an iPhone, but in the case of the Google assistant , the tips are also valid for Android users.

Image result for google asistant

Siri (iPhone)

Open Siri and say the command you want. You can trigger the virtual assistant by saying “Hey, Siri” or by holding down the Home button for a few moments. Now, say one of the following sentences. The camera application opens, already in the selected mode.

  • “Open camera”
  • “Take a panorama”
  • “Take a selfie”
  • “Take a picture”
  • “Record a video in slow motion”


Google Assistant (Android)

Step 1. Open Google Assistant – say “ok, Google” near the phone – and speak the command you want. The camera opens inside the app itself with a timer and the photo is taken automatically. The commands are as follows:

  • “Take a picture”
  • “Throw selfie”
  • “Record video”


  • Step 2. The photo, self or video will be displayed on the screen. Tap on it to see full screen. If you want, use the sharing button in the upper right corner to send the photo to WhatsApp , Messenger or social networks.
 Enjoy tips for taking pictures using the iPhone (iOS) or Android virtual assistants.
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