Moto Z Series Gets Polaroid Accessory That Prints Photos

Motorola, a Lenovo group company, announced on Wednesday (15) a new accessory for the Moto Z smartphone, which is capable of printing photos.

The Polaroid Insta-Share Printer is the ninth “mod”, as they are called the gadgets that can be docked to Moto Z to expand some function of the cell phone or give it some feature that does not come from the factory.

Connected to the back of the phone, the Polaroid Insta-Share Printer prints photos taken with the camera from the device or stored on it, but can also take pictures taken from Facebook, Instagram or Google Photos.

The Polaroid Insta-Share Printer gadget will begin shipping for $220 this week from Verizon in the United States. Motorola will begin offering the producer in other markets, such as Brazil, in the coming months.

The other mods are:

  • 360 Camera Moto Mod, a camera that shoots and photographs in 360º;
  • Insta Share, an image projector that takes the mobile screen to any surface;
  • Hasselblad True Zoom, which enhances the camera by adding features typical of a professional camera;
  • JBL SoundBoost, an audio amplifier;
  • OFFGrid Power Pack, an external battery that increases the autonomy of the device;
  • Gamepad, a gadget that turns the phone into a portable video game with physical buttons;
  • Smart Speaker with Amazon Alexa, a speaker that takes the Amazon assistant to the mobile;
  • Style Shell, a hood that allows the device to have the battery charged without having to be plugged in.
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